

Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, CConline, & yes even Hotmail.

Just from two/three weeks ago ,i’ve prohibit myself from these sites. Yes , indeed it is the cause of the idiotic PMR . Since wordpress is excluded in the list, plus i’ve last logging since ages, it’s time to give a clean.

I’ve decided to blog along this misery of days til d exams are over. And yeah, get back with after that.

12 more days awaits me.

Still Stuck


what day is it
and in what month
this clock never seemed so alive
I can’t keep up
and I can’t back down
I’ve been losing so much time



19 days more. i’m stress-out. I need a break.

But no , i cant. I have need to keep going on til i reach the end of road. Everyday , i keep questioning myself ; can i do it?!

Iam not confident, but i’ll try my very best.



a Permanent life , that’s one thing i cant change.

I like it this way 🙂 I felt relief from all those drama involving me around last year. I like drama , but not too much for me. Sometimes , is just too much going on around. And you really need a sec, to just think whats right or wrong.

Keeping myself busy all the time , I feel like going for a long vacation. Maybe for a month. Keep me far , far away from where I belong . Going to the beach , relaxing on the surface of the smoothy sand and not worrying this and that , blank minded and not care about anything at all.

I’ll defintely call this LIFE.
